Curious about why a supply chain career is a great choice? It’s analytical, practical, and full of opportunities.

Join us as Sofia Rivas Herrera shares her insights and experiences.

Discover what makes the supply chain a rewarding path by watching the video below!



Rob: One of the big challenges in supply chain today is attracting and retaining top talent, and that’s our topic. We’re talking with Sophia Rivas Herrera, who’s passionate about this issue. Welcome, Sophia! Where are you speaking to us from?

Sofia: Hello, Rob! I’m currently in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Rob: That’s great! We connected on LinkedIn recently. You’ve been quite active, speaking at seminars, conferences, and running a podcast on supply chain.

Sofia: Yes, it’s been an exciting journey. I’ve hosted several episodes of a podcast in Spanish, which has been a fantastic project to work on.


Transition to Supply Chain


Rob: Fantastic! What drew you to supply chain over other career paths?

Sofia: I started my academic journey with a degree in industrial engineering, which traditionally focuses heavily on manufacturing. As I progressed, I realized I was looking for something broader and more integrative. When a professor introduced the concept of supply chain management, it piqued my interest. I delved into it, dedicating my elective courses to this field. I found it incredibly compelling because it encompasses the entire lifecycle of a product—from its initial concept to delivery and even its return. The field’s holistic nature, with its diverse and evolving challenges, is what I find most exciting and fulfilling.

Rob: It’s clear that supply chain management offers a comprehensive view of the production and distribution process. How did this shift impact your career?

Sofia: The transition was significant. Moving from a purely manufacturing-focused perspective to a broader supply chain viewpoint opened up new opportunities and challenges. It allowed me to engage with various aspects of the process, including logistics, procurement, and strategic planning. This shift not only enhanced my understanding of how different elements of the supply chain interconnect but also positioned me to tackle a wider range of issues within the industry.


Interest in Talent Acquisition


Rob: Supply chain roles often attract individuals who are both analytical and practical, with a strong focus on people. What motivates your interest in talent acquisition and retention within this field?

Sofia: While I’m not in an HR role, I consider myself an advocate for the supply chain industry. I’ve observed that although many individuals enter the field, not all advance to mid-level management or higher positions. There’s a noticeable drop in diversity, including gender diversity, as one moves up the career ladder. I’m passionate about finding ways to attract and retain talent, and understanding why individuals may leave the field is crucial. I believe there’s a need to rebrand the industry and better highlight its impact on global operations and everyday life.

Rob: Rebranding and showcasing the industry’s value could indeed make a significant difference.


Impact of COVID


Rob: Your podcast efforts are impressive. Do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened interest in supply chain roles?

Sofia: Absolutely. The pandemic put the spotlight on supply chains like never before. It demonstrated the critical role that supply chains play in keeping the world functioning smoothly. However, while awareness has increased, there’s still work to be done in showcasing the full scope of what we do and the impact we have. We need to continue highlighting the importance and effectiveness of supply chains in adapting to global challenges.


Evolving Roles and Career Advice


Rob: Supply chain roles have evolved significantly, with managers now handling broader responsibilities. What advice would you offer to someone considering a career in supply chain?

Sofia: Careers in supply chain can be quite dynamic and are not always linear. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment and enjoy problem-solving, this field offers numerous opportunities. Networking is crucial—building and maintaining relationships within and outside your organization is key. Creating a supportive professional ecosystem is beneficial for personal and career growth.


Importance of Networking


Rob: Networking is indeed vital. It’s about mutual value and long-term relationships, not just immediate gains.

Sofia: Exactly. Networking isn’t just about making initial connections but about nurturing and maintaining those relationships over time. It helps build a support system and creates opportunities for collaboration and growth.


 For more information of this topic, watch the video above.


To hear more from Sofia, check out these links:


Podcast Supply Chain Now en Español:
One of our best episodes on sustainability:

Sofia Rivas Herrera LinkedIn
MITx Supply Chain Network Design Course


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Editor’s Note: The content of this post was originally published on Logistics Bureau’s website dated March 06, 2024, under the title “Why Supply Chain Is a Great Career with Sofia Rivas Herrera



Contact Rob O'Byrne
Best Regards,
Rob O’Byrne
Phone: +61 417 417 307