Rob O’Byrne has dedicated countless hours of his life and career to helping businesses and individuals succeed. His methods are numerous. Aside from founding six companies, all of which help businesses and people by providing practical assistance, consultation, or education, Rob has authored a number of books, written mountains of guides and articles and spoken at a myriad conferences and events.


Video Becomes Him

Amid all this activity, Rob also finds time, apparently at the drop of a hat, to present short but extremely insightful videos. It doesn’t take much for Rob to switch into video presentation mode. A random thought, an inspirational location, or an interview opportunity with another industry professional have all been cues for one of Rob’s videobytes.

Many of Rob’s videos can be found on YouTube, so in this post, we decided to showcase three of his most viewed videos on the world’s favourite visual media website.


1. What is Supply Chain about? – 3 Key Things to Know

Runtime: 5 minutes and 27 seconds

Since it was uploaded to YouTube in July, 2008, this video has received more than 74,000 views (at the time of writing this post). In What is Supply Chain about? – 3 Key Things to Know, Rob highlights three key questions that every supply chain executive should ask—and discover the answers to—if he or she is to understand the impact of supply chain on overall business performance.

The three key questions covered in Rob’s most viewed video on YouTube are:

  1. Is our supply chain efficient?
  2. What does our supply chain really cost our business?
  3. Where can we improve our supply chain?


2. What is Logistics Outsourcing? – Trick or Treat?

Runtime: 6 minutes and 33 seconds

Rob’s Logistics Bureau video called What is Logistics Outsourcing? – Trick or Treat ?, has garnered close to 41,000 views since it was uploaded in 2011. At that point in time, Rob had been involved in more than 100 logistics outsourcing projects.

Having seen the same mistakes made repeatedly, Rob found himself motivated to speak up on video to help companies avoid the most common outsourcing traps. Rob’s insights have clearly met with a knowledge-hungry audience, elevating Trick or Treat? into position as his second most viewed YouTube video.


3. Supply Chain Cost Reduction – 5 Key Levers

Runtime: 6 minutes and 30 seconds

Actually, there is one video with more views than Supply Chain Cost Reduction – 5 Key Levers, but it’s a very short intro to some supply chain seminars. Therefore, with nearly 13,000 views, 5 Key Levers really counts as number three in this breakdown of Rob’s most viewed videos on YouTube.

This brief but enlightening video introduces 5 steps to effectively reducing supply chain costs. These are:

  1. Define a supply chain strategy that supports overall business goals.
  2. Understand the key cost and service factors that will enable strategic goals to be met.
  3. Work on improving customer profitability.
  4. Evaluate and optimise network efficiency.
  5. Monitor some carefully selected KPIs and use them to drive performance improvement.

Are You Hungry for More?

If you’ve been clicking the links in this post and enjoying Rob’s short but educational video gems, you’ll find many more on YouTube, as well as on the websites belonging to The Logistics Bureau group of companies.

Following Rob’s videos is a great way to gain valuable knowledge based on his many years of experience, in just a few minutes of viewing. You might also find it can become an addictive pastime, since you never know just where and when Rob might pop up in your feed with a new pearl or two of professional wisdom.


Contact Rob O'Byrne

Best Regards,
Rob O’Byrne
Email or +61 417 417 307